2022 Photographic competition

After a hiatus owing to the pandemic, we ran a photographic competition again this year in person on 6th December. Not so many people had been able to travel abroad so there were two categories. Also there were fewer entries than in previous years so there was a straight vote rather than the usual whittling down to a short list. Many thanks to Emanuela Buizza for running the evening.

York Area Nature:

  1. EMPEROR DRAGONFLY by Antony Ward
  2. = SWIFTS by Jono Leadley / TAWNY OWL by Terry Weston

Everywhere else (UK and rest of the world):

  2. LITTLE OWLS by John Barker
  3. WHITE-TAILED EAGLE by Tony Fothergill

Congratulations to all winners and thanks to all who entered.

The winning photos have been posted in the gallery.