Whimbrel roost evening at Wheldrake Ings
A great turn out on the evening of 29th April, saw 34 members meet at the Wheldrake Ings Car Park.
Recent rain saw some of the footpath underwater, so Wellies were essential.
The group split into two, with Jono Leadley taking a group all the way down to Swantail Hide, while the other group lead by Duncan Bye didn’t go any further than Tower Hide.
Warblers were present in good numbers including Garden & Cetti’s as we made our way down to the hides. Some of the winter ducks were still present with 3 Pintail along with Wigeon & a Pink-footed Goose. A Cuckoo was heard calling but wasn’t seen, however a flock of Black-tailed Godwit were still present.
While we waited for the Whimbrel, at least 28 Little Egret were seen flying into roost & at dusk a Hobby performed well right in front of Tower hide. Then right at dusk, around 15 Whimbrel appeared and quickly headed to the roost site. Distance & the failing light meant it was a brief view as they disappeared into the long grass