Submit Records

Red Kite at Wheldrake Ings © Duncan Bye, Apr 2015
Red Kite at Wheldrake Ings © Duncan Bye, Apr 2015
The YOC welcomes all records from the recording area which will be used to compile the annual report. Not every record can be published specifically, especially for commoner species, but they do all help to understand the picture in the area. We will endeavour to credit all contributors in the published report.
  1. You can submit records on the standard spread sheet that can be  downloaded using the relevant button below. Please send to the editorial committee at either at the end of the year or more regularly, e.g. monthly.
  2. Alternatively, individual records can be submitted using the Casual Records form.
  3. We also receive an annual extract from BirdTrack ( so can pick up your records from there if you give permission through that site. Please make sure that the OS grid reference of your sighting is clearly within the club area.
  4. If you do see a scarce or rare bird for the local area (see the description species lists), or have evidence of breeding of schedule 1 species, please let the recorder know at as soon as possible after the sighting.

Standard spread sheets

The club’s spreadsheet provides a standard format with validation of species and sites. Instructions are in the workbook, on the ‘guidance’ tab. The format is Excel *.xlsx. In preparation for 2024, you can download the workbook by clicking this button.

Download 2024 spreadsheet

For submitting records for 2023, please click the below button to download this year’s workbook. It allows entry of the year and has extra sites in the lookup as well as a slightly amended species order following the BOU short list of June 2022:

Download 2023 spreadsheet

If you would prefer a version that uses the BTO’s species codes as the input or need a workbook compatible with older versions of Excel, please contact the editor – .


The annual report has for a number of years included a gazetteer of sites in the area, including OS grid references. A full list of these sites can now be downloaded as a pdf by clicking this button. If you notice any sites that are missing, please email and we will add them at the next update.

Download Gazetteer

Red Kite records

Have you seen a Red Kite? Please also submit records from anywhere in Yorkshire through the Yorkshire Red Kites website.

Yorkshire Red Kites