Photographic competition rules
The YOC encourages members to enter the annual photographic competition which takes place at the December meeting. All standards are welcome as the aim of the evening is to share the photographs and have fun. The competition is for still digital format images but these can be taken with any equipment from DSLR to phones, digiscoping to compacts, and even videograbs.
This is a reminder to send Emanuela Buizza your entries for the YOC Photo Competition (held on Tuesday 3rd December 2024), by Friday 29th November. Details for how to submit them have been sent out on the YorkBirding Google Group – do not send them to that directly.
Current rules are:
- There are three categories:
- 1) Wildlife of the York Recording Area (this category can include photos of any local wildlife, not just birds);
- 2) Birds in the Rest of the UK;
- 3) World (excluding the UK).
- All the images should have been taken in the year since the December 2023 meeting, and there should be no nest photography.
- The native resolution of the Club projector is 1920 pixels x 1080 pixels. Photographs must fit within this frame (they do not have to be exactly 1920px by 1080px, but the height must not exceed 1080px and the width must not exceed 1920px). If you are at all unsure of this please submit the images as they are and we will ensure they are shown correctly.
- No names or watermarks on the photos.
- The voting system will be the same as the last couple of years – there will be no shortlisting and everyone will be able to vote on all entries.
- Everyone is welcome to submit their best photos for each categories for a maximum of 4 entries each for each category (maximum 12 photos for each person).
- Each photo must be named with your name, the species of bird in the photo, the category, and a ranking from 1 to 4. For example: ‘Buizza-Blackbird-York-1’, ‘Buizza-Sparrowhawk-York-2’, ‘Buizza-Serin-World-1’, and so on. If we receive too many photos, we might include only the first 3 photos for each category per person.
Finally, just to avoid disappointments, if you don’t receive a reply from Emanuela confirming that she has received your photos within a day, it means that she hasn’t received them. Please contact her again if this happens.