York Species List & gallery
Species in the York recording area since 1966
This is a list of species recorded in the YOC area since 1966. Regular breeding birds are marked B and occasional/former breeders (B). Regular winter visitors are marked W and regular passage migrants P; while regular non-breeding summer visitors are marked S. Brackets indicate subspecies or birds of dubious origin. Rare and scarce species at national, county and local levels are marked in the list with three, two or one asterisks as follows: *** British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC), ** Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union Rarities Committee (YNURC), * YOC Recorder.
**Taiga Bean Goose W
Shelduck B
*Garganey B
Shoveler B
Gadwall B
Wigeon (B)
Mallard B
Pintail (B)
Teal B
Pochard (B)
Goosander (B)
Quail (B)
Pheasant B
(Golden Pheasant)
*Black-necked Grebe (B)
***Black Stork
*Osprey P
*Goshawk B
Marsh Harrier (B)
Red Kite (B)
Buzzard B
*Spotted Crake (B)
*Corncrake (B)
Moorhen B
Coot B
Lapwing B
Whimbrel P
Curlew B
Ruff (B)
Dunlin W & P
*Little Stint P
Woodcock B
Snipe B
Green Sandpiper P & W
Redshank B
Common Gull W & P
Herring Gull W, P & B
Lesser Black-backed Gull S & P
*Arctic Tern P
‘Feral Pigeon’ B
*Turtle Dove B
Cuckoo B
Barn Owl B
*Short-eared Owl (B)
*Nightjar B
Swift B
***Pallid Swift
*Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (B)
Kestrel B
Hobby (B)
*(Ring-necked Parakeet) (B)
Jay B
Magpie B
Jackdaw B
Rook B
Waxwing W
Coal Tit B
*Willow Tit B
Blue Tit B
*Woodlark B
Skylark B
Swallow B
Blackcap B
**(Siberian Lesser Whitethroat)
Wren B
Nuthatch B
Starling B
Fieldfare W & P
Redwing W & P
Song Thrush B, W & P
Robin B
*Nightingale (B)
*Pied Flycatcher (B)
*Black Redstart (B)
Redstart B
Whinchat P
Wheatear P
Dipper (B)
Dunnock B
*(Blue-headed Wagtail)
(White Wagtail)
*Rock Pipit P
Linnet B
Lesser Redpoll (B)
Siskin (B)
***Pine Bunting