Pocklington Canal evening walk
Many thanks to Terry Weston, for another most enjoyable summer evening walk along the canal from Hagg Bridge towards Storwood on Tuesday 1st August. Despite the dreadful forecast, the rain held off and we had a lot of evening sunshine. Eighteen of us went on the walk. Highlights were prolonged views of at least two, if not three, hunting Barn Owls, a Little Owl perched on a post, a couple of Common Terns flying along the Canal, a Marsh Harrier flying towards Hagg Bridge and, for a lucky few, a Kingfisher flitted past. Hirundines and Swifts were swooping about overhead in good numbers and a small flock of five Snipe flew over too. Yellow Wagtail and Corn Bunting were heard while Sedge Warbler and Reed Bunting showed well on the hedges. There were also at least five hares (one pair even observed mating) and three roe deer.