New spreadsheet for 2017 records

There is a new spreadsheet for recording your sightings in 2017. It is available on the Yorkbirding website at

Instructions are on the ‘guidance’ tab. It uses the BOU’s newer standard vernacular names, as per the 2014 and 2015 club reports. Therefore, many names have reverted to more traditional names; for example, Golden Plover not European Golden Plover, Chiffchaff not Common Chiffchaff. You type the name in now and it will flag up whether it is found or not; the drop down lists of letters have been removed.

The spreadsheet is downloadable in an old format (Excel 2003) for backward compatibility and to work around a problem with Internet Explorer not recognising downloads of newer files from WordPress sites as belonging to Excel. Please let me know if you find any problems with it.