East Coast trip October 9th
The York Birding club trip on Sunday 9th October was to Flamborough Head.
A walk around the Outer Head revealed a fine immature female Ring Ouzel, a male Redstart and Bramblings, along with plenty of continental Robins, Redwings and Goldcrests, and a few Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps.
After lunch overlooking the Gorse Field, we headed to Bempton where we had excellent views of one or two Red-breasted Flycatchers in the trees around the overflow car park and fab views of a Bluethroat on the clifftop path. More Bramblings were here, along with Redpoll and more thrushes. One or two people heard Yellow-browed Warbler, but it remained elusive.
And mid afternoon, news broke of Britain’s first Siberian Accentor on Shetland…
A few photos from the trip can be seen on my blog:
Jono Leadley