Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis

Formerly resident breeder in small numbers, but now eliminated following a national cull

The spread of the Ruddy Duck was seen as a threat to the White-headed Duck population on the continent and a national cull began in 2005. Records in our area dwindled thereafter, with the last breeding record in 2008.

2013: Castle Howard Lake, 17th September (two)
2009: Castle Howard Lake, 22nd March (one), 18th April & again July (pair), 9th September (one)
2008: Skipwith Common from 28th March onwards (pair), later joined by a second pair. On 3rd September one pair was seen accompanied by five ducklings
2008: Wheldrake Ings, 22nd April (one)
2008: Castle Howard Lake, 9th May (one)
2008: CSL pond, 25th June (drake)
2008: Bank Island, 30th September (female)