Roseate Tern, Sterna dougalli

Local status: Very rare passage migrant

This graceful tern has declined dramatically across the UK although the remaining colonies are responding positively to conservation efforts. On the east coast, Roseate Terns breed on Coquet Island, Northumberland and sporadically elsewhere, notably the Farne Islands. The main spring passage period is mid-May and June, and any claim before this period must be treated with caution, as dark billed Common Terns, Sterna hirundo, do occur, and are a trap for the unwary

1978: Wheldrake Ings, 17th June.
1966: Lower Derwent Valley, 21st May.

Unsubstantiated records:
1988: Wheldrake Ings, 10th May. Three. Not listed by YNU