Shag, Phalacrocorax aristotelis

Local status: Very rare passage migrant and winter visitor

The majority of records are of immature birds wandering inland on migration. The 1996 record of two spring adults is remarkable

2019:Sutton upon Derwent, 17th December (first-winter). picked up in a garden, it was ringed and released at the coast the following morning after a night in care.
2010: Wheldrake Ings, 16th March. Immature.
1996: Wheldrake Ings, 31st October. One.
1996: Wheldrake Ings, 24th May. Two adults.
1995: Lower Derwent Valley, 6th March. First-summer.
1989: Lower Derwent Valley, 12th April to 26th June. Second-summer.
1988: Castle Mills Bridge, River Foss, York City, 19th March. Immature.
1984: River Foss, York City, 5th to 24th April. Found dead on 24th.
1981: Castle Howard, 8th October.
1979: Naburn Sewage Works, 5th January. Picked up dead.