Recent Donations
This year we have been delighted to be able to donate a total of £2500 to support local wildlife and conservation projects.
First of all £1800 was donated to the Friends of the Lower Derwent Valley for two projects
£300 for wader scrape creation at Bank Island
£1500 for reed bed creation at Wheldrake Ings
This also allowed the Friends to unlock other additional funds for this and related projects at Bank Island and Wheldrake, including an additional £900 for scrape works, and a further £6000 for reed bed creation/enhancement throughout the valley. It is further hoped that the donation can be used as match funding for additional bids to improve for access and other projects in the valley. Reed bed creation has already started with the scrape due to be created during September/October.

The club also donated £500 to Ryedale Wildlife Rehabilitation to support the work of Jean Thorpe, especially raptor rehabilitation. With North Yorkshire being the worst place in the country for illegal raptor persecution, this money is much needed. Many of the rehabilitated birds are released into the Lower Derwent Valley.
Finally £200 was donated YNET, to provide Tree Sparrow next boxes at Rawcliffe Meadows.