2019 Report published

I’m delighted to say that the 2019 Report has just been collected from the printers – thank you very much to our ColourOptions again who did the job very quickly – and will be either hand delivered or posted (for those that live further afield) to everyone who is a paid up member of the Club for 2020, over the next couple of weeks. Please bear with us getting these out to you, but without the indoor meetings we have no quick way for you to pick up your copy.
If you are not a member of the Club, but would like to buy a copy, please send your name and address to me using and I will let you know about payment details – your choices are cheque or online by bank transfer. The cost is the same as last year, £8.50 including postage or £6.75 if you would rather come and collect a copy from me.
Thanks in no small part to lockdown (how ironic), this report is much earlier than usual – many many thanks again to everyone who has been involved in its production – not least all of you for putting in your records!
Because we have managed to complete the report so early, a programme of events for 2021 is not included with the report. We are still trying to put together a full programme in the hope that some return to normality can happen in the New Year, but with all the uncertainty about numbers allowed to meet up etc, events may also be subject to change at short notice. More about this in due course.
In the meantime, wishing everyone happy reading and also excellent birding during the autumn. Stay safe and well.
Jane Chapman – Secretary and Report Editor